Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Spring!

Happy Sunshiny Spring! 

The bay area is a kaleidoscope of activity during this wonderful time of year.  The parks are open beckoning us with their fresh air, and array of color.  The people are out and about enjoying this time with their families, everyone seems to be smiling and happy.  One of the best seasons for us pet people out there- not too hot yet for all those activities we have been waiting for. 
Although there are many wonderful aspects to this newly found outdoor freedom, it is wise to proceed with caution.  Even just around the home, danger can be lurking for the unsuspecting victim.  Pets loose in the garden, yard or garage could be at risk.  Please check out the links below for some great information on what to watch out for. Certain species of flowers that may be appealing for them to eat, insecticides, cleaners, rocks, cocoa mulch, grapes off of vines, walnuts and more.  We want you all to have a safe and happy sunny spring season!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One Big Kitty - :60 seconds

I have always been a fan of Hill Rx diets and as expected, have had much success with this one as well!  It has been very palatable for both our kitty and doggy patients and we have already seen weight loss.  Being an overweight pet makes you prone to heart and liver disease, early onset joint pain, diabetes, breathing problems and general high risk for even routine procedures.  It is very important to keep an active lifestyle and to eat healthy balanced foods so you and your fuzzy friend can live long and happy lives together!