Monday, January 20, 2014

Searching for a friend...

Searching for a friend....

I have to say that it is very important to take a look at your life before introducing a dog into it.  Your schedule, activities you enjoy, the living situation, and even finances all play a huge roll into what kind of dog would suit you best, as well as what life would be best for the dog.

A very active pet that needs a lot of room to search and explore would be miserable in a small apartment (unless the owner was diligent about outdoor activities) and most small dogs get overwhelmed in massive outdoor situations.  There are always exceptions to the rule of course, but these are helpful guidelines as a pet is not a one to two year fling, if we are lucky, we get many years of enjoyment out of each others company.

Size and age also are a factor to keep in mind.  There are many resources to explore online, meeting with friends or neighbors who have similar breeds can also be very helpful.  Getting information on certain health issues some breeds may be prone to is also very important as some have a higher incidences of problems that may not be covered by insurances.  Adding any pet into your life should not be a spur of the moment decision, that could prove to be disastrous for you and most of all, very traumatic for the pet.

Supporting rescue groups is very important as they work very hard to save unwanted animals out of shelters and they also do lots of work assessing pets and will help place them into the right family.  This can prove to be very helpful for 1st time pet owners not familiar with what may suit them best.  Adopting from a shelter is wonderful as well if you are comfortable with what your needs are and are able to be flexible with a pet that may have some special needs.

This article is great as it highlights certain breeds and how they could suit you, it is a great guideline for those who are interested in rescue as some mixed breeds have a dominate or at least a breed idea you can base activity level and personality off of.  A dog (or any well thought out pet) can be a wonderful thing to have the opportunity to share a life with if the research is done and the tools are used.

I found Puddles as a rescue through my clinic (her story is in my previous post :)  and although I wasn't ready for a spunky little chihuahua mix- I was secretly hoping to adopt a quiet well mannered poodle mix....  Puds has turned out to be the best dog for me, who has not only given me the excuse to be more active outside, she knows how to force me to relax when its "tv time"  (napping with her favorite chew on my lap).  So remember, this information is a guideline, not the rule and sometimes what we think we want, is not what we need and that can be applied to anything.

Find the Right Dog Breed Group for Your Family - Pet360 Pet Parenting Simplified

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Spaying and Neutering: The Responsible Thing to Do (+playlist)

I have to say that the AVMA has done a wonderful job with informational videos.  As you can see from my previous posts, I really like them!

I can't tell you enough how important this is and as educated people are, I still see way too many pets that have not yet been spayed or neutered.  It is one of the most important things you can do that not only improves the health and well being of them specifically but for the species as a whole. There are many programs out there that can help if you have concerns about logistics, cost, etc. SO there is really no excuse for all owned pets to not be fixed!  Please refer to our resource page at  for more information :)